About & Contact page template without Demo Data Import?

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    May 10, 2016 at 11:20 pm #12877

    Dear Ishyoboy Team,

    First of all thanks for this amazing theme! As I mentioned in an earlier email, I consider it pretty much perfect for my site and I’m amazed by all those incredible details… love it!! :)

    Over the past days while swapping to the new Tayp theme I came across a few things I wanted to adjust or implement. Most things I have been able to sort out myself by fiddling around with Custom CSS and amend minor details like colour of highlighted text, colour and behaviour of links within posts (they appeared in the standard blueish colour instead of using the colour from theme options as footer links for example), width of text block within posts and such.

    Now, one of the last thing I would like to achieve would be amending my About & Contact page using the template from the Theme demo (https://themes.ishyoboy.com/tayp/about-me/ and https://themes.ishyoboy.com/tayp/contact/). I’m mainly referring to the top part including social icons, scroll down link and such. Has this been achieved using the visual composer or are those pages using a specific template or something? I already tried to find a solution combing through the source code of both pages as well as taking a look at the Demo Data Import .xml file. However I tend to struggle with the tagline area and was wondering if there’s a way to provide me with the page templates or give me a hint how to achieve the layout within the page editor or something? Ideally I would like to refrain from using the Demo Data Import only for these two pages. As far as I’m aware of, demo data import will include pretty much everything, such as posts, categories and so on, right!?

    I hope my explanation make any sense and you are able to assists or point me into the right direction maybe!?

    Many thanks in advance and looking forward to hearing from you!

    Best wishes,

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