Cannot install Kopy WP – getting message “Are you sure you want to do this?”

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    Posted in: Kopy WP  

  • Member
    June 23, 2015 at 8:16 pm #8808

    I absolutely cannpt get KOPY files to install into my new word press site.
    it is new and clean…I even uninstalled the WP set up and luck
    I have downloaded the files about 10 times now.;
    I have tried BOTH the WP specific download and the other.

    I use WP all the time and download and install a hundred themes or more a year in my web buisness , no I know how to do that!

    I cannot get it to install in any way shape or form
    Envato says to contact you.

    I have read EVERY topic on the site, tried every possible combination, and have disabled all my antivirus as well. NO GO! it just keeps asking me if I am SURE and do I want to try again.
    I DO Not get missing or error message about the files…just AM I SURE I WANT TO DO THIS? and I type yes…retry over and over.
    I have cleared the cache…rebooted numerous times…no luck

    PLEASE…I would like to use your theme, but if I cannot get it up and running in the next day, I have to request a refund.


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