Page Builder not loading

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Wildster WP  

  • Member
    May 11, 2016 at 3:10 am #12878

    Hey there,

    I activated the new theme today on my wordpress site and am having trouble with the page builder… it doesn’t give me the option to see the page builder, only the wordpress editor. Is there something I’m missing?

    Additionally, just as a side note for your information, it took three hours to activate the site due to the fact that your code pulls pictures from assigned numbers instead of urls; therefore, when you activate the theme on an existing site, it pulls different pictures than intended and the user must go back and figure out what the actual number is for the pictures they want – – lots of searching and scrolling and a big fat pain in the butt.

    AND, for some reason, the header was showing a BG color even though all BG theme color options for all the headers were set to white, as well as the “general” colors at the top of that page. It was super random and the only way to fix it was with the code you gave me before for using the sticky header, then making it disappear on the scroll…. not sure if anyone else is having that issue. the rest of the time was spent trying to manipulate the code since your page builder wasn’t available. otherwise, I love the theme. ;)

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