what's the best paypall setup?

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    September 19, 2015 at 5:21 am #9993


    I know this question isn’t related to your theme. But since you give such a great feedback I thought I should try his. Maybe you are willing to help out:

    I sell a personalized digital service.
    It’s one service with 4 options to choose from.

    And I want the checkout process to be as easy as possible.

    So, just make a selection.
    add your email adress
    add extra info about the end result you want.
    and click on check out.
    This should lead you to your paypal account. (So no extra billing details need to be added, that’s what I’m having right now).
    Sign in
    press pay
    and they are returned to my site and an email is sent out to me with the order details
    and an email is sent out to them, also with the order details.

    At the moment I work with woocommerce. But I need to add several extensions to set this up properly. If I really have to and there’s really no other choice I’ll buy the extensions. But I need to know if that’s the only way out…

    At the moment I have the woocommerce plugin installed.
    and bought an additional extension: the woocommerce one page checkout.
    So I don’t need a shopping cart.

    Can you help me (to figure out) how to set this up.

    the site is: cartoonizr.com

    Thank you.

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