Support ForumBullets are not Showing in Lists – Support Forum Wed, 12 Mar 2025 11:31:35 +0200 en-US <![CDATA[Bullets are not Showing in Lists]]> Tue, 11 Aug 2015 07:54:15 +0000 charcook10 Hello,

I am having trouble getting the bullets in my lists to show up. I have read a previous thread posted on this issues and still cannot seem to get it to work.

Lists not working

Could you please help me understand how to alter it to an unordered list so that the bullets will display.

Thank you

BTW: I am inserting the lists using the shortcode editor and it still won’t show.

[list type=”tick” color=”color1″]

• Item 1
• Item 2
• Item 3
• Item 4


]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Bullets are not Showing in Lists]]> Tue, 11 Aug 2015 09:33:58 +0000 IshYoBoy Hey.

While in the “Visual” tab of the editor, please delete this list and us the available shortcodes menu to add a List. It will add it correctly.

To see if it is fine. When you switch to “TEXT” mode you need to have <li>Item 1</li> and not just • Item 1.

If you still face issues, please provide the URL of the page where it does not work, but the above steps will solve it.


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]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Bullets are not Showing in Lists]]> Fri, 14 Aug 2015 02:47:32 +0000 charcook10 Hello,
I followed your instructions and even double checked in text mode and saw this:

Still the bullets are not showing up….the list indents as it should when there is a bulleted list but you cannot see any bullets? Do you think it has something to do with the text color?

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Bullets are not Showing in Lists]]> Fri, 14 Aug 2015 02:48:14 +0000 charcook10 ]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Bullets are not Showing in Lists]]> Fri, 14 Aug 2015 02:49:51 +0000 charcook10 Checked in ntext mode and saw:
<li>Item 1</li> and not just • Item 1.

Still not working

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Bullets are not Showing in Lists]]> Fri, 14 Aug 2015 06:07:51 +0000 IshYoBoy Hi charcook10,

probably something is missing in your code.

You can try replace in the “TEXT” mode all your items
from: Item 1
to: <li>Item 1</li>

Could you please provide the URL of the page where it does not work?


A 5 star rating is always a great motivation for us if you are happy with our theme or support!
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]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Bullets are not Showing in Lists]]> Fri, 14 Aug 2015 06:57:03 +0000 IshYoBoy Also could you please create an admin username and password for us and provide the credentials here in a PRIVATE RELPY. We will log in and check the problematic page.


A 5 star rating is always a great motivation for us if you are happy with our theme or support!
Themeforest | MojoMarketplace | Creative Market

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Bullets are not Showing in Lists]]> Thu, 20 Aug 2015 19:24:54 +0000 charcook10 <![CDATA[Reply To: Bullets are not Showing in Lists]]> Fri, 21 Aug 2015 01:49:27 +0000 charcook10 <![CDATA[Reply To: Bullets are not Showing in Lists]]> Fri, 21 Aug 2015 06:01:05 +0000 IshYoBoy Hey,

Any link starting with https://localhost/... is accessible only on your local computer. So we are unable to see it.

Could you please:

1. Edit the page
2. Switch to Standard WordPress Editor (not the page builder)
3. Switch from Visual Tab to the “TEXT” one.
4. Copy the whole code
5. Paste it here in a reply but do not forget to use the “CODE” button to surround the code so instead of this:

Some code
Some code

it will look like this:

We can then have a look to see what the problem is.

P.S. What is your WordPress version?


A 5 star rating is always a great motivation for us if you are happy with our theme or support!
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