Support ForumCannot import ONE PAGE Demo Data? – Support Forum Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:40:08 +0200 en-US <![CDATA[Cannot import ONE PAGE Demo Data?]]> Wed, 04 Feb 2015 03:41:27 +0000 zencroww Hi there,

I followed the Documentations, started WordPress from scratch.

Tried importing the Demo Content:
4a. Import and set everything automatically
It saids its done but it didn’t do anything to the site?

I just want to start from you ONE PAGE demo contents and modify them to what I need.

I tried 4b. Import and set everything manually.
Lots of things failed to import…

Again, nothing changed and does not appear like your online demos.

Please help!

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Cannot import ONE PAGE Demo Data?]]> Wed, 04 Feb 2015 06:33:18 +0000 IshYoBoy Hey zencroww,

This is very strange! Can’t say what must have gone wrong. Didn’t you get any errors? Before doing the automatic demo import did you install all necessary plugins? Mainly the “IshYoBoy NO8 Assets”.

This is the first time we are facing such error with one of our themes. When you do the manual import what are the Errors you get?

Maybe trying it again from scratch might help. Are you installing it on WordPress 4.1? Please try it again.

If it does not help please create an admin account for us. When creating the user in WordPress, please enter the as e-mail and tick the box to send the password automatically. We can then log in and see what is going wrong.

Sorry to hear you are experiencing such problems :( We’re almost sure it will be related to the current server configuration.


A 5 star rating is always a great motivation for us if you are happy with our theme or support!
Themeforest | MojoMarketplace | Creative Market

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Cannot import ONE PAGE Demo Data?]]> Wed, 04 Feb 2015 06:53:09 +0000 zencroww Yes I’m installing from WordPress 4.1.
OK, I will install from scratch again and see how it goes.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Cannot import ONE PAGE Demo Data?]]> Wed, 04 Feb 2015 07:16:51 +0000 zencroww Hey IshYoBoy,

I just re-downloaded the files from Envato Market/ Themeforest, I’ve realised there are no files inside the Plugins folder? This was the case for the my first downloaded files too.

Is this normal?

I’ve tried it again: Install wordpress,theme, child theme, plugins n import.
I’ve added you as Admin on my WordPress. Please help, cheers.

Same errors as last time when I try Manual Import:

Import WordPress
Failed to import
Failed to import
Failed to import
Failed to import
Failed to import
Failed to import
Failed to import “no8_logo”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “batman_polygon”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Clouds”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “cloud_image”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “deer”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “dark_knight”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “deer_bg”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “red_polygons”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “blue_noise”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “whale_polygon”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “low_polygon1_1400”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “polygon-wallpaper-7”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “polygon-wallpaper-22”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “flying”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “header_bg”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “awesome-polygon-wallpaper-31610-32344-hd-wallpapers”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “familyroadtrip_large-1024×585”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “wallpaper_977487894”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “contact-bg”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “3_by_prusakov-d6khb94-1024×576”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “scene-large-1024×426”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “spacescape_large-1024×341”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “low_polygon4”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “HWijjF7RwOPGEJ1nb4Zb_IMG_3773”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “mtNrf7oxS4uSxTzMBWfQ_DSC_0043”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “ZLSw0SXxThSrkXRIiCdT_DSC_0345”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “yellow-polygon”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “screenshots”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “low_polygon22”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “wgVuGEf”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “blue-polygons”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “low_polygon23”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “flyingobject”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “gray_polygons”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “UFO (1)”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “GmtUOaE”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “fire-lookout-tower-29077-1920×1200”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “awesome-polygon-wallpaper-31610-32344-hd-wallpapers”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “wallpaper_977487894”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “flyingobject”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “yellow-polygon-f”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “yellow”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “boldial”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “boldial”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “minicorp”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “minicorp-bg”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “minicorp1”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “iron-man”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “stormtrooper”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “hisenberg”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “the-hulk”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “1a”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “1b”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “2a”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “2b”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “3b”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “3a”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “4a”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “5a”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “5b”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “6a”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “6b”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “7a”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “7b”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “8”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “4b”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “screenshots2”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “screenshots3”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “products_1773005”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “products_gifTdFh”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “products_hisenberg”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “products_iron-man”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “products_low_polygon21”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “products_low_polygon22”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “products_low_polygon23”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “products_polygon-pigeon-26716-1920×1080”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “products_Qcw7qOz”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “products_stormtrooper”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “products_the-hulk”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “products_wcFZWW9”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “tomasovsky_vyhlad”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “dark_knight_featured_image”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “clients-css”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “clients-html”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “clients-jq”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “clients-woo”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “clients-wp”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “clients-wpml”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “favicon-16×16”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “favicon-72×72”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “favicon-114×114”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “favicon-144×144”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “red_polygons_pattern”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “batman_polygon_slider”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “whale_polygon_slider”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “nature-is-speaking-julia-roberts-is-mother-nature-conservation-international-ci”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Portfolio Detail – Style 3”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Portfolio Detail – Style 2”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Portfolio Detail – Style 1”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Features”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Portfolio – Masonry”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “General Features”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Portfolio & Blog”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Theme Options”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Sidebars & Widgets”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Pages & Posts”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “For Developers”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Visual Page Builder”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “WooCommerce & WPML”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “For Developers”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Shortcode Library”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Multiple Portfolios”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Demo Data”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Theme Options”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Home”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Blog – Classic view”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Blog – Full-width view”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Detail – Right Sidebar”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Detail – Left Sidebar”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Detail – No Sidebar”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Portfolio – Classic”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Minicorp Theme”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Boldial Theme”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “NO8 Theme”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Portfolio Detail – Alternative”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Hello”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Our Work”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Shortcodes”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Buy Now”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Home Creative”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Portfolio”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Contact”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Blog”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Main Features”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “About Us”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “All Features”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Home Classic”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Portfolio Masonry”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Home Features”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Shop”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “The Team”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Blog”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Contact”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Back to Multipage”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Home OnePage”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Hello world!”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Space Country”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Lunar Surface”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Flying Entity”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Quote by Pablo Picasso”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Chasing Your Dreams”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “NO8 WordPress Theme”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Blue, Lost & Alone”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “UFO”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Boldial”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Minicorp”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Cart”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Checkout”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “My Account”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Classic Blog”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Time for Slovakia”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “The Bat”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “OnePage”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Home Left Navigation”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Home Right Navigation”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Contact form 1”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Polygon Island”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “A Hyperlink Post”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Greek paragraphos”: Invalid post type
Failed to import “Nature is speaking”: Invalid post type

All done. Have fun!

Remember to update the passwords and roles of imported users.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Cannot import ONE PAGE Demo Data?]]> Wed, 04 Feb 2015 08:43:51 +0000 IshYoBoy Hey,

Thank you for the credentials. Seems like your server is unable to read the XML correctly. This is why it is failing. We found this thread:

This reply helped us. You need to gzip the xml file before uploading it manually:

Now your server recognises the XML correctly. And it managed to do the import successfully.


A 5 star rating is always a great motivation for us if you are happy with our theme or support!
Themeforest | MojoMarketplace | Creative Market

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Cannot import ONE PAGE Demo Data?]]> Wed, 04 Feb 2015 09:57:31 +0000 zencroww Hey IshYoBoy,

Thank you, I tried the above steps on another test site and worked like a treat!

The googlemap still doesn’t seem to be working for the ONE PAGE template though (as mentioned on

It’s just a giant blank space:
happens on my other site too:

Please help?

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Cannot import ONE PAGE Demo Data?]]> Thu, 05 Feb 2015 08:23:30 +0000 IshYoBoy Hey zencroww,

Please, do not group several issues in one topic to keep the forum tidy and organized so other users can easily search the solution to their problem. The title of the topic Should always tell you what problem is solved inside. Please open a new topic for the map.


A 5 star rating is always a great motivation for us if you are happy with our theme or support!
Themeforest | MojoMarketplace | Creative Market

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Cannot import ONE PAGE Demo Data?]]> Tue, 10 Feb 2015 14:37:32 +0000 zencroww Sorry, will do.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Cannot import ONE PAGE Demo Data?]]> Wed, 11 Feb 2015 05:41:37 +0000 IshYoBoy Thanks, ;)


A 5 star rating is always a great motivation for us if you are happy with our theme or support!
Themeforest | MojoMarketplace | Creative Market
