Support Forumcustom css replace https: to empty – Support Forum Wed, 05 Feb 2025 08:59:56 +0200 en-US <![CDATA[custom css replace https: to empty]]> Sat, 15 Nov 2014 04:06:21 +0000 ratchakrit Firstly I would like to use custom font then I uploaded my font to “wp-content/themes/boldial/fonts/myfont.ttf” and I place my custom css to the field like this

@font-face {
font-family: ‘demo-Thin’;
src: url(‘’);

but when I save all changes the custom css above change to

@font-face {
font-family: ‘demo-Thin’;
src: url(‘//‘);

you will see the https: is gone only // left.

Please give me a suggestion.

Or can you tell me how can I add a custom font to my website.

Thank you.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: custom css replace https: to empty]]> Sat, 15 Nov 2014 17:56:28 +0000 ratchakrit Right now I know the problem after spending of many hours.

My font was overridden by main option font.

h4, .ish-h4, .ish-sc_quote .ish-h4, .widget .ish-h4 {
font-family: helvetica, sans-serif !important;
font-size: 19px;
font-weight: normal;
font-style: ;
line-height: 24px;

the css above overridden my font.

Please tell me what is the best way to use custom font in boldial theme.

Thank you.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: custom css replace https: to empty]]> Tue, 18 Nov 2014 05:12:01 +0000 IshYoBoy Hey,

it is better not to use the “https://” but “//:” as then visitors who come via https will not get security warnings. This means that the protocol will be chosen based on the current used protocol.

Since all fonts are being set via “Theme Options” you will also have to manually override the given elements and apply the new font.

All fonts are being set here:

So you can get inspiration from the used CSS selectors and apply your new font only to the elements you need. Using custom CSS..

The code you provided only registers the font so that the page knows it, but it does not know how to use it and to which elements to apply it.

So you would have to add something like this if you want the font applied to H4, quotes of h4 size and h4 elements within widgets:


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