Importing / Row decoration

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    Posted in: Boldial WP  

  • Member
    April 10, 2015 at 4:15 am #7645

    Hey there:

    1) I installed Boldial theme for an already established website. I don’t want to lose the information on that, so I didn’t import the demo. Is there a way to KEEP the content that I have, but install the rest?

    2) I am having a lot of trouble with the row decorations. Every time I create a decoration in a row, it doesn’t quite look right, and there is no space in between the content of the row and the decoration. It also buts RIGHT UP AGAINST the content of the next row. Because I can’t see how it works in the demo, I can’t tell why it looks like this.

    Any help would be appreciated. Website that I am working on is below.


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