Support Forummore font icons – Support Forum Fri, 03 May 2024 16:33:08 +0200 en-US <![CDATA[more font icons]]> Fri, 05 Jun 2015 10:42:44 +0000 planosaurus Hello-
Is there a way to expand the list of font icons available? Most of what is in the documentation is related to social media and I’d like to add some additional ones like a puzzle and site.



]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: more font icons]]> Tue, 09 Jun 2015 12:33:11 +0000 IshYoBoy Hi Megan,

This involves a little more technical skill as it is not that straightforward:

Here’s the guide:

1. Go to
2. From the top right corner click on the “settings icon” next to the text box and the download button. A dropdown menu will appear.
3. Click on “Import config.json”
4. Locate the config file in the unpacked folder which you downloaded from Themeforest. The config is located in “_Documentation/assets/fonts/config.json”
5. After uploading the config Fontello will now display all available glyphs. Feel free to add all the ones you need or even add all of them.
6. Once ready click on the red “Download webfont button” in the right top corner.
7. After downloading unpack the folder and follow the furter steps.
8. Copy all files from the new font folder’s subfolder “font” (4 files: “iconic-font.eot”, “.svg”, “.ttf”, “.woff”) to our theme’s folder “wp-content\themes\creolio\assets\core\fonts” and overwrite the files.
9. One more step is needed. Open the “iconic-font.css” file in a text editor from the new font’s folder “css\iconic-font.css”
10. Open the “iconic-font.css” which originally came with the theme and so “wp-content\themes\creolio\assets\core\libs\css\iconic-font.css”
11. From the original “creolio” font’s css copy the first 66 lines (everything before all the icon-* codes begin) and replace the new font’s css first 33 lines with the copied 66 lines
12. Locate the “icon-plus” icon and move its whole line to the end of the list. Which means move “.icon-plus:before { content: ‘\e800’; } /* ‘î €’ */” to the end as last line.
13. Now save everything and close the text editor and overwrite the original creolio “iconic-font.css” with the new updated one. Which means copy “css\iconic-font.css” to “wp-content\themes\creolio\assets\core\libs\css\iconic-font.css”.

Now you should be able to use the codes of the new icons.

Important: You will have to follow these steps everytime you download and apply a new update of the theme from themeforest.
So it is a good idea to keep the new, updated font in a safe place and after applying the theme update, applying your personal font patch.
In a case when the new theme update adds some icons you will have to repeat all the steps in order not to lose the icons added by us. To check this you need to check the changelog to see if the font has been modificated.

I hope everything is clear :) Feel free to contact us in case of problems.


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