First of all, awesome theme! Will definitely recommend you :D
Now my question: On one page, I have a div inside another div. The main div has the page content width, but the inside div has a very long horizontal length, so it shows a scrollbar.It looks like this
—– wrapper div ———-
| [inside div that goes…| ………x (position the user should see)….]
—————————-Now I want to use jquery to load the inside div scroll at a fixed position, so the user does not have to scroll to right first to main part.
I know I can do that with jquery, and furthermore I want to make the inside div draggable (by jquery again), instead of using the scrollbar.
How do I add the two jquery scripts to a page?
Can I just add the jquery script with wp_enqeue in the page or do I have to add some code to the functions.php?
I also use the https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/use-google-libraries/.Sorry for the long text, but I would be super grateful if you could tell me what code to add where to make this work. :)
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