Support ForumResize images to a smaller size in responsive mode on mobile devidces – Support Forum Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:53:04 +0200 en-US <![CDATA[Resize images to a smaller size in responsive mode on mobile devidces]]> Wed, 03 Sep 2014 11:59:08 +0000 WAPPUK Hi,

I have uploaded all product images at 403px x 403px.

And set the woocommerce images like this:

So when the website is in responsive mode. it displays catalog images fine:

But ive noticed since doing this, the pages take longer to load? as i think they are calling up 403 x 403 instead of a smaller one:

Is there any way for wordpress/woocommerce to call on the image size that is right for the responsive mode that is being viewed. So the website is as fast as possible?

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Resize images to a smaller size in responsive mode on mobile devidces]]> Wed, 03 Sep 2014 14:31:59 +0000 IshYoBoy Hi,

This is actually a very good question. By default woocommerce does not have it implemented. You could try looking for a plugin (if there is any) that handles such changes.

A second way is to do this manually by hooking into woocommerce templates and then detecting the device on a PHP level (Maybe use a detector class) and based on the device decide what image sizes to provide.

Also take into consideration that the user can come to the page in a “portrait” mode and once it is loaded they can rotate the device to a portrait mode which is wider so the images should be changed to bigger ones.

Also consider retina displays which need the images to be 2x bigger than the used size.

It is quite a lot of work to fine-tune it to your needs.


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