Support ForumReverse order of row in mobile view – Support Forum Thu, 13 Mar 2025 19:56:32 +0200 en-US <![CDATA[Reverse order of row in mobile view]]> Sun, 24 Aug 2014 12:07:15 +0000 tberin Hi,

When creating a right to left content website, the standard view is looking great.
The mobile view requires that the elements are displayed in the “opposite order” (whats on the right will display on the top).

How can I change the order of items which appear only in mobile view? is there a global solution or a row by row one?


]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Reverse order of row in mobile view]]> Tue, 26 Aug 2014 06:24:47 +0000 IshYoBoy - Peter Hi tberin,

these elements are floated to left side so they correctly jump under each other. When you have RTL oriented side, they behave the same way.
For now, we don’t have any setting to switch the float of the elements to other side. It would require to redo whole grid and that is is not a simple thing.

You can of course do such change via child theme. Or if you want, we can help you with it, but it is out of standard theme support. You can contact us for more details and pricing on


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