Support ForumSlow and connection lost due to Visual Composer – Support Forum Thu, 02 Jan 2025 21:14:26 +0200 en-US <![CDATA[Slow and connection lost due to Visual Composer]]> Mon, 29 Sep 2014 19:34:39 +0000 OlalaWeb Hi,

Last time I’ve asked support we’ve been through this topic ( which has been marked as resolved.

However, I’m back at editing my website and I still experience the same issue. So, it is not resolved…

My website is hosted on a dedicated server with dedicated IP. I have all the memory and bandwith I need to make it go to the moon… :)

But the admin panel is still very slow to load and to edit a page after a few minutes spend on editing content with the Visual Composer editor.

I’m not seeing any javascript error with the inspector so I suppose it must come from your custom integration of Visual Composer within the WP Admin.

Could you please troubleshoot this and try to find a definitive answer to this issue?
It is impossible to keep on editing my website content with VC.

I look forward to hearing from you.

(I’ve send you FTP and WP credentials by email)

Thank you,



]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Slow and connection lost due to Visual Composer]]> Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:28:23 +0000 IshYoBoy Hi Matt,

thanks to letting us know. We’re very sorry to hear you still face such a big problems.

We’ve marked topic as resolved because that’s the way how we close our tickets, and that’s what you asked for in the original topic ;)

Regarding your problem it’s very hard to say because this is the first and the only one case that our user have such a big problems with it.

As you’ve mentioned, there are no JS errors so everything should be ok. What we see is that you have quite a lot of plugins activated (even more deactivated) but we don’t say it’s the cause. Just pointing which directions to go maybe to find out what is the problem.

What we recommend is to try fresh new WP install (keep the current one of course) and activate our Boldial theme. Try to play with it little bit to see if these problems are there from the very beginning or if they will come after specific task (content adding, plugins activating, …).

After that we could move a little bit further to really solve this ;)

Please let us know

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]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Slow and connection lost due to Visual Composer]]> Wed, 01 Oct 2014 12:44:31 +0000 OlalaWeb Hi and thank you for your answer.

I will definetely try to use Boldial on a fresh install as soon as I got more free time…

Thank you for your support anyway.


]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: Slow and connection lost due to Visual Composer]]> Thu, 02 Oct 2014 07:22:57 +0000 IshYoBoy Anyway,

We are trying hard to find what the cause might be but are a little lost at the moment. As per our previous communication it seems that the slowness might be coming from this exact server configuration in cooperation with Boldial and mainly VC.


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