Box inner padding on mobile.

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    Posted in: Freelo WP  

  • Member
    September 7, 2021 at 10:39 am #17774

    Hi everyone.

    I am testing out the capabilities of Freelo and one of the tests is to:

    * Insert an image into a BOX
    * Set the Inner Padding to 0

    I just wanted to see what an image looks like without padding on all the borders. The setting seems to hold for full screen size but when the browser is resized down to mobile screen size and the boxes align them selves vertically the padding seems to go to 60 (as per default) once again.

    For the inbetween sizes I am using an image with a fixed width so when you resize the browser there is varied padding rendered because the images is smaller than the 60 so I cannot tell at which point the padding of 0 switches to 60.

    I suspect that either I am doing something wrong or I am not understanding the padding setting behaviours. However, if my understanding is actually correct, when I set the padding to 0 it would be nice for the image to be flush with the box on full and mobile window sizes.

    Can I get some feedback on the above and whether or not it is achievable?


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