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- 6 years
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- 9 years
[In Progress]
Can't make changes to Nalleto theme options by Matthias
- 2 years
Logo Translation by marketing
- 5 years
[In Progress]
Title and h1 tag by marketing
- 5 years
[In Progress]
Update to php 7.1. by marketing
- 5 years
[In Progress]
Email saying Your License Key is About to Expire by marketing
- 5 years
Space under menu /before BC by marketing
- 5 years
[In Progress]
tracking code on Nalleto Theme by marketing
- 5 years
[In Progress]
Mobile Optimization not working properly by marketing
- 5 years
[In Progress]
incompatibility of functions by marketing
- 5 years
[In Progress]
How is is it built?? by marketing
- 5 years
[In Progress]
Translation error by marketing
- 6 years
Nalleto header on mobiles by marketing
- 6 years
- [Resolved]
- 6 years
Including java on images by marketing
- 6 years
How to remove Blog dates from Nalleto theme? by marketing
- 6 years
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