Disengage Google Fonts / using Typekit

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    Posted in: Kreo WP  

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    February 10, 2016 at 8:52 pm #11597

    I am using typekit fonts instead of Google fonts that are enabled in the backend. The issue is that even if I choose “regular” in the theme settings, the default regular font will always get loaded first, before the custom.css kicks in and replaces the font.

    I’ve done some digging in the functions.php file, but am not sure what is the optimal way to include my two custom font families, for example “font-family-a” and “font-family-b”. Do you think this would be OK or do you suggest some other, better way.

    Thank you very much for your help

    EDIT: Ok, just tried this and the extra added options don’t get recognized in the backend. Not sure what’s up.

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