How to remove header for 1 or multiple pages?

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    Posted in: Minicorp WP  

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    March 25, 2014 at 8:21 pm #2054


    Need your help again. I am trying to get a clean page without any header, logo, menu items. I want to use this as a sales landing page with no outbound clicks for distraction till bottom of page. There is no shortcut option to remove header from the page right?

    Found some forum on WP forum and experimented on a child theme header.php but can’t get it right. A thin horizontal section still appears on the top.

    <?php if( !is_page( array(5687, 5692)) ){ ?>
    <?php } ?>

    Can you let me know which codes I should encase in?
    If I paste after </head?> the thin empty section appears at top. If I paste before <head> the whole page is empty including all other pages on the website.


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