Mobile Responsive Not Working & Column wont left justify

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    Posted in: Boldial WP  

  • Member
    July 3, 2014 at 1:46 am #3219

    Hey Again :)
    Have a problem and would apreciate your expertise !

    I am using Boldial and when in mobile mode it is not working correctly, The entire content is only displaying on about 50% of the screen in both portrait and landscape mode. I scan down the entire screen and there is nothing pushing out of the content, I have also not customised anything and used the page layout tool for everything. (mobile image attached)


    The other issue that I have is that one column (far left) on a 4 even split will not left justify the content no matter what I do, I have removed this element and reinstalled it but the same thing happens. (image attached)



    Thanks in advance :)


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