Qusq, project layout, parent page, homepage option

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    Posted in: Qusq Pro  

  • Member
    February 12, 2018 at 7:01 am #16232

    Hi, I have the Qusq Pro

    I have a few questions:

    How can I achieve project layout out side or projects, but in pages? For example, I want to get project layout under a parent page. Right now, none of the options allow me to make a page into a project layout, but only the

    How can I disable the parent page, as in you would not be able to click into it, but it shows you the child pages?

    How can I get rid of the Homepage on the side pop-up menu? For example, the logo above, and the home option both lead to the homepage, which is redundant.

    Thank you for answering!

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