2 Portfolios with different Category

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    Posted in: Kreo WP  

  • Member
    December 5, 2015 at 3:01 pm #10779

    I need 2 Portfolios with different categories.
    the Menupoint of Portfolio 1 names Portfolio Text
    the Menupoint of Portfolio 2 names Portfolio Web

    On your documentation is only written what I can do, but not how I can do. I tryed with nesting but it don’t work for me.

    So under the Menupoint Portfolio Text there are different Categories
    under the Menuponit Portfolio Web there are other different Categories

    The categories that belongs to the Portfolio Text must be shown only the portfolio text page, that the user can make a choice.
    The categories that belongs to the Portfolio Web must be shown only the portfolio web page, that the user can make a choice.
    Do you have a css that for.

    Thanks for help


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