Full Demo Data

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Boldial WP  

  • Member
    August 14, 2014 at 3:02 pm #4090


    Just purchased and installed the theme, fantastic work!! :)

    I noticed that the dummy data does not include all the pages compared to the demo displayed on themeforest. It would really help if you could provide the following:

    1. Full demo data of the demo site with all the homepages, configurations, slideshows and images. I understand images are copyrighted in a way but i believe that we can decide if we use them in each case. As this forum will provide an external XML file which is not within the original package I (and im sure that others too) would really appreciate your flexibility on this.

    2. Revolution slider dummy export.

    3. Layer Slider export.

    Thanks in advance for your support!

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