navbar switches to responsive and doesn't reset back

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Multicorp WP  

  • Member
    April 30, 2015 at 10:00 pm #7935

    Here is the url for our test copy-

    Using the resize window plugin of google chrome, if I test the website for different device sizes, it looks fine. I have added custom media queries for the mobile version. But things seem to break if I resize the browser window – try resizing it to very small width and stretch it to max and do back and forth. The navbar either breaks and wraps on two lines or the hamburger menu (mobile version) doesn’t reset back to the full navbar version even if the window size is back to max.
    I have screenshots of the problem but I am not able to attach anything here. I am not sure how to explain it without a screenshot, but will you be able to help me out ?

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