Responsiveness on mobile device

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    Posted in: Boldial WP  

  • Member
    May 7, 2015 at 11:31 am #8104

    Hi there,
    I have a problem with the responsiveness of my whole website (under Boldial) on mobile device: the columns are supposed to stack in one vertical column but they don’t, they just skrink on the same row.
    As a result the text cannot be read and the images are very very small…
    There is a problem with the navigation bar on mobile device as well: the navigation bar sticks to half the mobile phone screen or more !
    When I created the website everything was fine, I don’t understand what changed since then.
    Is it a problem with the pixel width in “Responsive layout” or in “Header navigation responsive layout”? I tried to change them with no better result.
    Thanks in advance !

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