Show portfolio category slug if exist in url

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    Posted in: NO8 WP  

  • Member
    May 12, 2015 at 9:23 am #8198

    Hey, good people, how are you?
    I have a hierarchy in the portfolio section where some portfolio items have category (that matches a parent portfolio item) for example: a single portfolio item named USA with the url:
    What i’m aiming to achieve is to show the portfolio items that are related to a category to show the category in the url. for example: a portfolio item called ny and related to category USA to have a url: *it does show in the breadcrumbs like so, but not in the url.
    Also i want it to have a condition that if a category is not assigned not to show the category name in the url.
    How can it be done? would appreciate any kind of help.
    Best regards

    • This topic was modified 9 years by  fafchook.

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