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Visual Composer FlipBox – change font size by dickdick
- 10 years
3D Portfolio + IE10 and Slider on Windows 8 + Chrome by lovecat0501
- 10 years
Google Latin Extended Font by mkeskinoglu
- 10 years
Getting rid of Headline area by timnealon
- 10 years
Using shortcodes in footer widgets by cbazoe
- 10 years
[In Progress]
Sticky Header height / Logo Animation by Afternova
- 10 years
Header logo area by dickdick
- 10 years
Sticky header height ignored by asm
- 10 years
Make portfolio images not clickable by KingdomWebDesign
- 10 years
Masonry 3d portfolio by asm
- 10 years
Floating social icons by asm
- 10 years
More Colors by Afternova
- 10 years
Images from live Demo and how to use them by alanweb
- 10 years
[In Progress]
Sticky menu resize not working by ekajatik
- 10 years
Set the Home icon at main navigation by looplay
- 10 years
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