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No "home" page in pages list by Phoenix
- 7 years
Setting Kopy blog into three columns by nilshenrikj
- 7 years
[In Progress]
Sidebar wont display on forum page by Joyvel
- 7 years
bbpress and buddypress compatibility by Joyvel
- 7 years
- [In Progress]
- 7 years
- [In Progress]
- 7 years
Demo Settings Combination by SE-ME
- 7 years
How to change the hyperlink of Logo by Shailaja
- 7 years
[In Progress]
Windows phone by Rusti
- 7 years
customize the post headline by Joyvel
- 7 years
[In Progress]
how to change related posts appearance ? by webcomkit
- 7 years
[In Progress]
Post Featured Image Opacity by divagater
- 8 years
Image renders differently on Chrome & Firefox by kelvinfok
- 8 years
WPML language selector by Rusti
- 8 years
[In Progress]
When creating new pages: no comments available by socialdesign
- 8 years
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