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Montserrat Font Change – Google font updated by krtonekore
- 8 years
Footer icon size change by jmdidit
- 8 years
- [Resolved]
- 8 years
- [Resolved]
- 8 years
[In Progress]
Heading not responsive by ZnortDesigns
- 8 years
Visual composer doesn't work by marcosandras
- 8 years
No8 Update? by Mike Bevil
- 8 years
Back Button not loading page by maxine_howarth
- 8 years
Portfolio mouse over colour change by jmdidit
- 8 years
Adjust padding on ROW elements by ZnortDesigns
- 8 years
- [Resolved]
- 8 years
- [Resolved]
- 8 years
Loading PB by krtonekore
- 8 years
[In Progress]
Same problem with responsive layout by ygesit
- 8 years
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