Adding a pattern and color to the lead section

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    Posted in: Nalleto WP  

  • Member
    September 19, 2017 at 7:28 am #15710


    I’m trying to add a background color and pattern to the lead section of my pages. I found how to add a pattern under the style options in the theme options but could not find a way to add a background color for the lead section in the theme options. I was able to add a background color to the lead section by using the content editing for the lead section under pages – I used the content break, colored section, but then I lost the pattern that I applied under the theme options. I saw in the short code that I could add the url for the pattern, but I couldn’t locate the url for the pattern I wanted to use from the theme options.

    What is the best way to add a pattern and background color to the lead section for my pages?


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