Minicorp Portfolio Gallery

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    Posted in: Minicorp WP  

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    August 5, 2013 at 2:27 am #236

    Hi there… I am trying to create Portfolio Galleries which for different portfolio posts will be different in size. The first one I did consisted of horizontal rectangle images so one image shows at a time and the slider advances to the next slide. That’s fine.

    Note: My portfolio pages have a right sidebar (not sure if that’s a problem).

    The next Portfolio Gallery I created utilizes vertical shaped images which I loaded into the the gallery for the portfolio post. I assumed they would line up next to each other horizontally if I used the thumbnail_size=”theme-half” which should allow enough room to fit. Unfortunately, they just stacked on top of each other. Then I tried “theme-third” and “theme-fourth”… and they still just stacked on top of each other. Is there something I am missing?

    I have look at the demo to try to find examples of the Portfolio Gallery and it’s not apparent. Appreciate some guidance with this…



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