revolution slider conflict with theme Kreo

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    Posted in: Kreo WP  

  • Member
    January 5, 2021 at 1:59 pm #17700

    Hi Vlad
    whish you a very good new year.

    I have to come back with the issue I worte you some weeks ago.
    after the update of Kreo/Revolution slider (see my HOME slider has an issue. the text on big screens/desktop is very small on the slides 2 – 4.

    I tried to repair that. Finally I bought a licence from the newest update of Revolution slider.
    I tried to repair it with the support of Revolution slider, go trough all steps like delete cache and cache plugins, and this and so on.

    Finally the case is like this: the slider works on all other themes like it should.
    Only if I activate Kreo the issue is there.

    Stan from Revslider support said, that I should ask you for a fix: The issue is not with a slider itself but for some reason when split chars animation is applied at your website, the font size value resets and cannot be reverted back. This happens because of some CSS/JS/HTML compression or conflicts. Yes, you should report this to the theme devs so, they can check compatibility and apply a fix.

    So, here I am.

    Greetings Toni

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