Search don't work with the WPML plugin

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Minicorp WP  

  • Member
    August 7, 2013 at 3:18 pm #268

    I’m testing the minicorp theme with the WPML plugin (with with 4 languages).
    The problem is that the search and/or the Header navigation search form, don’t return any results with the plugin enabled.

    I have follow the theme documentation. I have first completed the website with one language (pages, posts, menus, etc), and then install the plugin. I have duplicated all the information for each language, everything seams fine, but the search stop to work with the languages. When I disable the plugin the search works fine.

    Is there any specific configuration in the plugin page or in the theme options page?

    Can you please give me some information concerning this question.

    Best, J.

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