Changing How Portfolio Items Filter & are Displayed

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    Posted in: Multicorp WP  

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    April 16, 2015 at 6:57 am #7743

    Currently, I have six portfolio categories, all of which display on my portfolio landing page. The user can then click to filter these categories, which is awesome, however, I am just now noticing that when it filters, it only displays the items from that category that are on the given portfolio page the user is on currently. Rather, it does not filter all items within a particular category and show everything, which is what I would love for it to do if possible.

    For example, (in my portfolio: I have 20+ images in the category “maternity”, however, when the user is on page 1 of the portofolio, it only filters the 3 “maternity” images that are on that page and displays only those. Then, when I click the page navigation below those items, instead of showing more maternity image, it takes them to page 2 of the portfolio as a whole (which displays all categories). This same thing is true for all categories with the portfolio, no matter what portfolio page # the user is on.

    I hope that makes sense! :)

    Anyway, I would LOVE it if would filter all items within a particular category and allow pagination for those items.

    Is this possible? Thank you so much for all your help!


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