Anchor links with smooth scrolling like on the FAQ page

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    Posted in: Minicorp WP  

  • Member
    November 26, 2013 at 1:47 pm #1270

    Hi On the Minicorp template you have a feature that will jump slide to a target headline on the page it is featured on your FAQ page..

    Halfway down you have six buttons
    “Design, HTML, JS/Jquery, PHP, WordPress, IshYoBoy,”
    if you click one of them it gracefully slides/jumps to the section can you explain how I can implement this feature into my design. I would really like to utilise this feature but can not figure this out.

    I only have basic knowledge and only want to use it to scroll down the page to the next section

    So if you could explain it in a basic form that would be great help

    Thank you In advance

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