Can't see images when adding a media

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Minicorp WP  

  • Member
    May 13, 2014 at 11:31 am #2261

    Hi IshYoBoy,

    I’ve installed Minicorp template for this website few months ago. Unfortunately the user has a problem with the library. When he uploads pictures, everything works well. But when he wants to add the image in a page, it doesn’t appear in the window. I checked the problem and I can’t see the picture neither. It appears in the library, everything is fine on the FTP but impossible to find it from the adding picture window. But if I desactivate the WPML plugin, it works. I realise there are few problems generated by the WPML plugin. This one could be one of them: problem with the portfolio gallery. Also I found another one: when editing a page/article in french for exemple, it erase the other languages and replace them by the french version.
    Can you help me to find a solution? Do I have to contact the WPML autor directly?

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