Change how top menu appear on devices (no button)

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Nalleto WP  

  • Member
    March 4, 2014 at 8:49 pm #1879


    1. i have the cart in the top menu, (on its own)

    on devices it will be hard for costumers to find the cart..

    is there a way to change this so that when there is only 1 them in the top menu, there is no menu drop down menu button and it displays the cart all the time?

    2. is there a way to change the menu image? to a custom graphic? If so will it have to be a certain height or width? and how would i change it?
    Edit: Please open a separate topic and please be more specific.


    • This topic was modified 10 years by  IshYoBoy. Reason: Removing Question 2
    • This topic was modified 10 years by  IshYoBoy.

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