Hi guys,
Here is deal: I use on every static page this code below (+ lead area is turn off) – as custom header:
12345678910111213141516[divider][content_break][section color="color1"][row][one_half align="left" ][headline tag="h2" color="color4"]<strong>TITLE OF PAGE</strong>[/headline][/one_half][one_half align="right"][/one_half][/row][/section][/content_break][divider]I was able to set this header also on blog page, but I need it also on archive pages for tags, categories etc. plus pages for single posts (in this case I of course will be happy to put title of post on this header, maybe with date).
Can I achieve it using child theme files? And how – I tried many times, but results are – to be honest – horrible :)
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