Gallery FancyBox not loading images properly

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    Posted in: Minicorp WP  

  • Member
    June 30, 2014 at 11:06 pm #3171


    Every standard gallery that I create keeps loading 2 inexisting images.

    1 – I create a gallery with 3 freshly uploaded images.
    2 – Click on “image 1” and the lightbox pops up.
    3 – Continue clicking to see “image 2” and “image 3” (the last)
    4 – If I click again, instead of going back to “image 1”, I get this error twice: “The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.”
    5 – After this it finally loads “image 1” and the process repeats all over again as soon as I reach the last image in the Gallery.

    Have read that probably has something to do with the FancyBox?

    I dont know what else to do with this.

    Need a very fast response. Thanks in advanced.

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