Import Dummy Content Fail / Error

  • Resolved
    Posted in: NO8 WP  

  • Member
    February 4, 2015 at 5:07 pm #6540


    I’ve just set up this theme and followed the instructions completely. However, the import does not work, and manually importing dummy content following the steps still does not get it working in the proper way (e.g. the footer/widget setup is not in the documentation).

    Trying to import using the auto-importer fails with:

    Import Error!
    An error occurred during the import process.

    I have just installed WordPress 4.1 completely fresh, then installed the theme, the child theme, activated child theme, activated plugins, woocommerce, performed the image size settings, and then tried the import.

    Could you help in getting this resolved? Are there any other similar reports of import failures?



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