it's possible to set up a video background header on blog page?

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    Posted in: Kopy WP  

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    August 28, 2015 at 5:36 pm #9737

    I’m trying to achieve something but can’t find how so I’m wondering it’s possible with that theme.

    The point is to build a homepage which is the main blog page and has a video background on header (instead the featured post) + all the posts below but I’m finding those difficulties:

    . The page has always the tagline on top unless it’s the homepage.
    . If I set that page as homepage and create the header with visual composer then I’m not able to add the posts below
    . Obviously I can’t set up this page as home + post page

    Is there any way to achieve that? I would really appreciate if you can help on that, thanks a lot!

    My Best!

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