Hi, I’ve been having this problem since I started using Boldial WP. I hope you can help me with this. I have imported the demo data of Boldial, followed every steps that are written on the Boldial documentations. As a result, all works well. Except for one thing only.. I can’t edit the text (The Headline, or any kind of text) using the Visual Composer. The moment I click edit, a small new white window will appear and it says loading with the circle symbol that kept circling (with the word loading… written on the right of the circle symbol), along with two options which are save, and cancel.
The loading process is endless and is never ending. I’ve waited for more than 20 minutes till I gave up and cancelled it.
There’re no problems when I tries to edit images / others using visual composer. Only the text editing problems persist. I can to edit the text using the wordpress editor instead, but I really need to use visual composer to edit it.I tried everything to solve this problem, I even installed WordPress from scratch, and directly imported your themes, and plugins as you instructed in Boldial documentary. Did that 5 times, since yesterday until now that I’ve decided to write this.
I’m using the latest version 1.5 of Bordial WP btw.
Could you please have a look and help to fix it?Thank you.
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