Problems with text words being broken on mobile devices. Word break issues

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Boldial WP  

  • Member
    November 11, 2014 at 1:31 am #5430


    our site is

    We have the boldial theme and no matter what we do it can’t adjust to mobile devices!!!

    see here:

    if we adjust the text and content size to iphone 6 then it won’t look right in iphone 5c etc or vice – versa.

    How can we fix this? – this is truly honestly upsetting. we thought it will do automatic adjustment to all mobile devices but it doesn’t!

    Can you PLEASE do something or at least tell us how to fix this? we have spend so much time in this and yet we are not successful to make sure that your theme is responsive because it’s not or we are doing something terribly wrong!

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    • This topic was modified 9 years by  erroloz. Reason: forgot the site url
    • This topic was modified 9 years by  IshYoBoy.

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