Recent posts shortcode inside one_third column problem

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Creolio WP  

  • Keymaster
    August 24, 2013 at 11:08 am #427

    On the homepage I want 2/3rds image and 1/3rd last post. I can do this fine, but on the 1/3 last post the text is restricted to a very small area, which is putting 1 word on each line. There’s lots more space for the text to flow into, but for some reason it’s dropping each word onto a separate line. Again this is all without adding any custom css.

    The recent post shortcode does this when used with any column shortcode.
    I’m using…

    [recent_posts type=”post” count=”3″]What I’ve written recently[/recent_posts]

    Any ideas?

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