Responsive Columns Inside Row

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    Posted in: Boldial WP  

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    February 11, 2015 at 1:47 am #6666


    I have one horizontal row of 12 navigation buttons (SVG’s) that go straight across the page. I’m trying to make them responsive in groups.

    What currently happens when I shrink the page (or view on smaller device):
    All 12 buttons stack into a single, vertical column.

    What I’d like to make happen:
    When the viewer decreases the width of the page (or views on a smaller device) I’d like that single row of 12 to first break into two rows of 6 buttons, then possibly three rows of 4 buttons as it gets more narrow, then possibly six rows of 2 and so on.

    I tried nesting columns inside the row, but that didn’t work. Is there an easy way to do this?

    Thanks in advance for your time.

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