Shortcode usability

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    Posted in: Minicorp WP  

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    July 10, 2014 at 8:47 pm #3481


    I’m trying to assign an id and some extra classes to a grid8 and row element, however something like [grid8 id=”id_here”] does not work.

    I can get around it by making the div myself, but that kind of defeats the purpose and using the shortcode would make it look a lot neater.

    Is there way of adding extra classes and other html attributes to shortcode elements?

    For example, I would like to do something like:

    [grid8 id=”block1″ class=”unfolding_block”]
    and have it turn into:

    <div id=”block1″ class=”grid8 unfolding_block”>

    Because now I have to use manual divs and the shortcodes alternately in the same code and it’s not pretty.

    Thanks in advance.

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