Slow and connection lost due to Visual Composer

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Boldial WP  

  • Member
    September 29, 2014 at 9:34 pm #4883


    Last time I’ve asked support we’ve been through this topic ( which has been marked as resolved.

    However, I’m back at editing my website and I still experience the same issue. So, it is not resolved…

    My website is hosted on a dedicated server with dedicated IP. I have all the memory and bandwith I need to make it go to the moon… :)

    But the admin panel is still very slow to load and to edit a page after a few minutes spend on editing content with the Visual Composer editor.

    I’m not seeing any javascript error with the inspector so I suppose it must come from your custom integration of Visual Composer within the WP Admin.

    Could you please troubleshoot this and try to find a definitive answer to this issue?
    It is impossible to keep on editing my website content with VC.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    (I’ve send you FTP and WP credentials by email)

    Thank you,



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