Using Fancybox Overlay in Portfolio.

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    July 11, 2014 at 11:03 pm #3530

    I have installed the theme at and have three issue.

    1. I would like the user to be able to see the original image in a fancybox overlay when they click on the image in the Portfolio section rather than be redirected to the portfolio page and then have to click at images to see the gallery. It is ok if each image in the portfolio is linked to just one image instead of a gallery and that image opens up in an overlay without opening the portfolio page.

    2. The special effect when you hover above the image (zoom or cube etc.) is very slow in Safari browser and sometime does not work at all.

    3. In the Safari browser on Apple Machines the parallax slider does not work.

    A lot of people in Canada use Apple machines and point 2 and 3 are causing a serious issue.

    Will appreciate your help as I need to make the website live over this weekend.

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