Visual Composer freezing

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    Posted in: Boldial WP  

  • Member
    February 20, 2015 at 4:36 pm #6812


    I’m encountering a weird problem through the page builder. On some pages, when I’ll edit some informations and close the popup window, the whole tab is freezing, and I have to wait more or less 5s before being able to edit anything else or publish the content.

    This is really a pain, as it slows down the edition and dev process, and it seems I can do nothing about that… I have the latest WP install, and the latest update of the theme.

    I also made a migration of the website (working on a local server) onto a dev server, online. Even on a fresh install of WP, the problem stays here… Could it be that the page builder could slow down when there is too much elements in the page ?

    I hope to hear from you about that !

    Thanks in advance,

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