Visual Composer not working after 4.7.4 security update

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    Posted in: Multicorp WP  

  • Member
    October 13, 2015 at 3:53 am #10188

    Hello, I did the Visual Composer WordPress plugin 4.7.4 security update, and it said to overwrite the current js_composer directory in wp-content/plugins/. However, In wp-content/plugins/ I did not have a js_composer folder; my js_composer folder is located in wp-content/themes/multicorp/wpbakery. So I overwrote it and the theme and all plugins are up to date, but the visual composer is not showing now when I edit a page. Also notice below Color Settings box, that things are not displaying correctly and some text is now off of the left side of the window.

    page edit 1
    page edit 2
    Also the Visual Composer > General Settings will not let me uncheck Content Types, when I Save Changes, they re-appear checked. Also Select All and Select None do not work, I must check each Enabled Shortcode by hand.
    general 1

    In Visual Composer > About, it looks like there are broken links.

    I have tried enabling and disabling in Theme Options, makes no difference.

    When it is enabled, I see additional options on the Visual Composer > General Settings:

    I just started using this theme and visual composer for the first time and am not sure what to try next to get it working again. Do you have any suggestions?

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 9 years by  6thGear.

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