You have a newer Visual Composer than the one Boldial is 100% compatible with

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    Posted in: Boldial WP  

  • Member
    April 13, 2022 at 3:23 pm #17845

    When I make a new blogpost using WPBakery, only the featured image works properly. I get the header, footer and menus, but no actual content. If I switch themes, I get the content. When Boldial is the theme, the content is literally not there – there’s nothing under code view. The message in the INstalled plugins admin page says: “You have a newer Visual Composer than the one Boldial is 100% compatible with. Use it at your own risk. If you face any issues, please deactivate Visual Composer, remove it completely, and install the pre-packaged version 6.4.1. Dismiss” Does this mean that Boldial is no longer being updated?

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